7 Tips for Dealing With Rejection

7 Tips for Dealing With Rejection

Dealing with rejection can be painful, whether it happens at work, at home, at school or in relationships.

Never allow others negative behaviours to put you off, your goals and dreams, just send them healing in the future as you will achieve great deeds by being positive, determined and loving person you are.

Rejection comes in many forms and it can be tempting to wallow in self-pity and despair when we have been rejected. Fortunately, there are things we can do that can help us handle rejection with dignity and purpose. Everyone experiences rejection – it is what we do in response that determines how we feel about ourselves. Rejection is scary, because it reminds us that we cannot control people and circumstances. Here are a few ideas of things we can do to overcome therejection blues.

Be Aware of Your Emotions
Rejection is a form of loss, creating the sense of losing something we thought we had. Being rejected can feel like an outright violation of our expectations, which is why many of us feel offended when we are rejected. When the rejection is very painful or unexpected, it can be scary, making us feel as though the world we live in is unsafe and malevolent. When things do not go the way we expect, we often feel devastated and powerless, especially if we are very attached to a particular outcome.
We can acknowledge our loss, reminding ourselves that our feelings are never unacceptable or wrong, but they are also not entirely true. No matter how extreme or violent our feelings might seem, though, it is important to give ourselves the opportunity to experience them. Anger, sadness and disappointment are all natural responses when dealing with rejection. We can allow for our feelings, whatever they are, without holding onto them. We can let them come, and let them go.

Practice Acceptance
When rejection occurs, one of the ways many of us automatically respond is with denial. We may tell ourselves that this is not happening or that this is all a mistake that will soon be corrected. Denial is a mechanism of self-defence. We deny that something unpleasant is happening because the reality is too painful. We can gently correct ourselves by saying, “This is happening, and it will be okay. This does not mean that I am a bad person or that I have done something wrong.”

Talk to Someone You Trust
Another common impulse when dealing with rejection is to isolate and to cut ourselves off from support. This is another way that we unconsciously try to protect ourselves from more pain. Many of us equate relationships (revealing ourselves to others in work, love, family and friendships) with the disappointment that sometimes occurs in those relationships.

Take Action and Get Moving
It does not matter what we do, only that we take action and get moving. We can do dishes, pay bills, organise or finish up that work report we have been neglecting. Purposeful movement clears the mind of the stagnant energy and negative emotions that hang around when we are dealing with rejection. This is a perfect time to do something we have been putting off.

We are probably thinking, “What’s the use? I will still be miserable, and it will not change the fact that I have been dumped/passed over for that promotion/turned down by my number-one choice for college or school.” We can choose to think about it differently. We can be heartbroken in a messy living room that makes us feel even more miserable, or we can take constructive action that will likely lift our spirits and self-esteem.

Action has a wonderful way of breeding self-confidence and feelings of empowerment. You will feel less like a victim of your circumstances when you take action in an area you can actually control. Though it may sound like torture to suggest cleaning a closet after what feels like the most painful breakup in history the sooner we get moving, the better we will feel.

It is okay to resist for a while. As soon as we are ready, we can give it a try. If it still seems like an insurmountable, useless task, we can make a deal with ourselves to try it out for fifteen minutes. If we want to stop after 15 minutes, we can stop. But we usually find that the momentum of positive, productive energy created in just those 15 minutes is sufficient to make us want to keep going.

Be Kind to Yourself
One of the best times to do something nice for ourselves is when we are dealing with rejection. This serves a dual purpose: we get to do something enjoyable, and in so doing, we also prove to ourselves that we are worth the effort and attention. We can buy ourselves a special gift or get a massage, manicure and pedicure. We can set aside a day in the coming week to do whatever we want to do, whether that means browsing in a bookstore all afternoon sipping coffee, or losing ourselves in an art project. Planning ahead for “me” time brings with it the gift of something to look forward to, which makes difficult situations infinitely more bearable.

Be Kind to Someone Else
What it does mean, however, is that our thoughts colour our experiences. We have the power to use past success as evidence that future success is possible and, indeed, probable.

Rejection is a bitter pill to swallow. But its purpose is not gratuitous pain. If we have relationships with other people and if we regularly take risks, rejection is inevitable. Like any experience, rejection teaches a valuable lesson that we simply cannot learn any other way. We can always choose to see that value, although it may be difficult at first. Dealing with rejection in one area of life can teach us to deal more gracefully with our next experience of rejection in a completely different area. Lessons like these build on themselves. We can use our past experiences of rejection to make our future experiences less painful.

Whether it is a pet, a relative or a stranger, this strategy is particularly effective for coping with rejection. Focusing on someone else’s needs for a time reminds us that we are not the centre of the universe, and that our disappointments are not as devastating and all-encompassing as we make them out to be. Perhaps someone we love is ill, confined to home or hospital bed. We can ask if there is anything we might help that person with, being grateful for our health and our ability to offer help.

Feeling useful is a fail safe cure for self-pity. We can call a friend and ask how she is, without mentioning or complaining about our circumstances. Take the dog for an extra-long walk, or spend time snuggling with the cat – such small, loving actions centre us, bring us great comfort and remind us that we matter to other beings.

Reaffirm Your Successes
Rejection can make us feel as though we are failing, and can even lead us to falsely assume that not only have we failed, we are complete failures. Reminding ourselves of specific successes is a great way to remember our assets and accomplishments during a time when we are tempted to focus only on the negative. By focusing on the positive, we give it power in our minds, in our actions and ultimately in our circumstances. This does not mean that thinking positively will ensure that we never experience disappointment.

Life never stays the same, so embrace change as part of your life!

Life never stays the same, so embrace change as part of your life!

Fear of change? In my life I’ve had to come out of comfort zones, enforced change by no fault of my own, life throws you stuff unexpectedly. But when we look back the lessons we learn, the new skills, and the confidence you gain is worth no amount of money, but its worth as much as a pot of gold, plus we gain the strength from within. So if you need to change or accept change, do it with an open mind and embrace the new experiences with a strong heart and a determined positive mind!

I know its not easy to accept change but in order to accept change we have to look at what we do now?

How many of us have got into the habit of waking up and looking at our phones, Facebook, and so on. We don’t allow ourselves time to fully wake up, we get back into that stress fullness behaviour straight away. If we tried just to listen to soft music or to the sounds of nature outside, Kids playing and talking, sitting down to eat a proper breakfast. Not the news and all the heavy stuff on TVs and phones especially if you know you have a busy day ahead at work, why take on the worlds problems as well, when you have your own stuff to deal with, focus on what you can influence on the day.
If you need help, book a life coaching session with Derek! Click here to set it up!

Being bullied is not change!

Don’t be bullied into doing what you don’t want to do!
very often I get clients who are stressed and burnt out as they don’t know how to say no.
What I can suggest you say instead is

Sorry that doesn’t work for me just now!
I am Fine we say to our friends.
Let’s define FINE
F Frustrated
I indecisive
N Neurotic
E Exhausted

So by saying just fine, we are really saying we are not happy.
so look at what you can change! Your attitude for one.
As all things are created by our thoughts let’s start with a Happy thought.
Define HAPPY
H Healthy
A Abundant
P Persistent
P Positive
Y Youthful
Fine is not good enough.
We are what we think we are, so be HAPPY and think happy thoughts,
If you need help, book a life coaching session with Derek! Click here to set it up!

You have to believe to receive!

When we have to have purpose in our life it makes change easier, We have to have a why sometimes.

Ifs it about money or lack of as often change can mean less money, think about this.

Let’s just say Sod it to all our money issues and have no judgement around money and just accepting things as they are.

Money is just an exchange, imagine a world with out money, if what you have to offer is worth enough to other people, then they’ll give you lots of things in return E,G I need flowers in my garden in return or painting done so that’s what my exchange would be I would then have loads of nice colours around me making me happy, which I would value.

We are simply in a constant process of exchange for value with the world, the more the world values you the more you get back, what tends to happen is that the more you value yourself, the more the rest of the world will tend to agree and value you as well.

Very often as a way of getting into a new company I would offer to work for free, as I knew my worth, I changed my thought and just thought about working there and enjoying it before I even thought about the money, very often it worked out better than, than what was being offered anyway, as they seen my added value.

So start by valuing yourself because you’re worth it!

If you need help, book a life coaching session with Derek! Click here to set it up!

Now write your contract to yourself like this below

My “Contract for Change” with myself

I, …………………………………………………… take personal responsibility

for creating change within my life. I will begin the PROJECT(S) called




and formally make a contract with myself to see this project through. I have

listed the benefits of living in the solution and I know who I need to become

to complete this project, and I hereby declare that I will commence living in

the solution and being the person I need to be.

Signed: ………………………………………………………………………

Witnessed: ………………………………………………………………………

Dated: ………………………………………………………………………

You need to see it first, one of the tools I use is

Letter from the Future

Write a letter from the future, describing what your life is like now that you have achieved your goals successfully. Do it for each goal Address it to yourself with the date that it is to be achieved. Tell yourself in detail how your life looks, feels, and who you have become as a person at the time of achieving your goal. Remember to write down what you need in your life as much as you want, Take your time.

By doing this your already setting it up in your mind and letting the universe deliver it.

If you need help, book a life coaching session with Derek! Click here to set it up!

My intuitive life coaching sessions are for the purpose of helping you with any challenges that you may currently have or are facing. I also use my skills and tools to help you help yourself, whether it’s spiritual guidance, relationship advice, employment advice, goal setting, loose weight, overcome fears & phobia’s or just general guidance in life.

I hold a Diploma in Life coaching, have a great track record of assisting my clients achieve their goals, with my experience of business & personal mentoring and industrial relations, I can be that neutral person that can see the issues and challenges with in your personal life or the organisations you run or work with, that you cant see and assist in achieving solutions that can move you in the right direction.

“I love helping people help themselves, to be unsuccessful is not an option, to achieve success is my only goal.” DMcG
The amazing yellow pill, Protandim by Derek McGillivray

The amazing yellow pill, Protandim by Derek McGillivray

What is Protandim?
  • Protandim is a supplement that combats oxidative stress through Nrf2 activation.
  • Oxidative stress happens in everyone.
  • Protandim significantly reduces oxidative stress through Nrf2 activation.
  • Nrf2 regulates survival genes.
Oxidative stress, generated through the process of living life (eating, sleeping, breathing, exercising), is inevitable for everyone, but LifeVantage has the solution: Protandim, the Nrf2 Synergizer, the most important dietary supplement of our time.Comprised of natural plant ingredients, Protandim is a patented, science-based,research-backed formula that has been tested and validated by renowned universities and institutions. It is the only supplement clinically proven to reduce oxidative stress in humans by an average of 40 percent in 30 days.
Protandim activates Nrf2, which communicates with cells, instructing them to do what they’re already designed to do: up-regulate “survival genes,” genes that enable cells to survive in the face of stress from free radicals and other oxidants, and down-regulates other genes to help the body function at an optimal level.

Protandim’s Natural Ingredients

Milk -thistle _80x 80Milk Thistle Extract
Used for thousands of years to improve health.  
Bacopa -monnieri _80x 80Bacopa Extract
A serious free-radical scavenger.
Ashwagandha _80x 80Ashwagandha
Has important antioxidant properties.
Tumeric -longa _80x 80Turmeric Extract
Powerful contributor
to Protandim’s Nrf2 activation.
Greentea 3_80x 80Green Tea Extract
Contains important antioxidants.

Just try it! http://ahappybody.uk.lifevantage.com/produc…/protandim/nrf2/

Why Free Radicals are Harmful to the Body

Free radicals are highly unstable, reactive molecules with an unsatisfied electron pair. They scavenge the body in search of electrons, thereby damaging cells, proteins and DNA.

Free radicals arise from both internal and external sources, including breathing, metabolism, inflammation, pollution, sunlight, exercise, smoking and consuming alcohol.

Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals are inadequately neutralized by the body’s antioxidant defense system, or when they overwhelm antioxidants.

Protandim _pills _left

Oxidative Stress

An excess of free radicals causes oxidative stress.
Protandim is the most potent antioxidant therapy today.
Science articles demonstrate the importance of reducing oxidative stress.
In living life to the fullest our bodies generate oxidative stress–a physiological imbalance between free radicals and the body’s antioxidant defense system.

Protandim is the most powerful antioxidant therapy today.

Oxidative stress occurs when our cells generate dangerous byproducts known as free radicals. Free radicals, highly reactive molecules with unpaired electrons, roam the body in search of other electrons and in the process, seek out and destroy healthy cells.

Free radicals arise from both internal and external sources, including breathing, metabolism, pollution, sunlight, exercise, smoking and consuming alcohol.

Protandim® NRF1 Synergizer

is a breakthrough in nutrigenomics and the fight against ageing that uses ingredients to harness the energy of youth—mitochondria. A SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH FOR THE AGES With age comes wisdom and maturity.
That’s the upside. But you also get all the wrinkles, more aches, and overall lack of energy. Getting old isn’t easy. We get it. We also understand why. Thanks to breakthrough in nutrigenomics, we’re able to fight the signs of ageing at the cellular level—right where ageing occurs. It’s called Protandim NRF1 Synergizer, and it’s revolutionising health and wellness. THE MIGHTY MITOCHONDRIA Unfortunately, we still haven’t discovered the fountain of youth. But we finally understand why we age. Every day, your cells are damaged by free radicals from natural processes like breathing and from pollution in your environment and diet. This leads to oxidative stress and a breakdown of your health at a cellular level —one of the main contributing factors to the ageing process. One of the most crucial keys to slowing the harmful effects of ageing and restoring a youthful feeling to your body is living in your cells.

They’re called mitochondria. Mitochondria produce up to 95% of the energy your body uses. But those muscular, microscopic powerhouses break down as you age. It’s a natural part of oxidative stress. But fewer mitochondria don’t just mean less energy. Mitochondria also produce ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)— the source of cellular energy that pumps our heart, supports muscle growth and maintains healthy brain function.


The idea is simple: produce new, more powerful mitochondria, and you’ll feel younger and more energetic from the inside out. And that’s where Protandim NRF1 Synergizer steps in. It’s a new breakthrough in nutrigenomics that wakes up your body’s ability to boost mitochondria production, protect the ones you have and restore youth to your body at the cellular level. Protandim NRF1 Synergizer, combined with the Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer, gives us a new way to improve cellular health and support healthy mitochondrial function as we age.*


  • Improve performance through energy production
  • Enhance cellular health—cells function at their peak performance
  • Improve sleep quality and promotes cellular repair
  • Boost mitochondria production and their ability to network
  • Slows cellular ageing by supporting chromosome integrity


Rhodiola Rosea (Root) Extract — Rhodiola rosea L. is a plant from the Himalayas which contains bioactives (salidrosides) that stimulate NRF1 and mitochondrial biogenesis and helps protect the endothelial cells from oxidative damage. It also actively stimulates ATP synthesis or re-synthesis in muscles during exercise. It is an adaptogenic herb with a bioactive that stimulates the NRF1 protein. Rhodiola Rosea (Root) Extract is used around the world to increase resistance to fatigue and helps with high altitude adaptation.

Coenzyme Q10 — It is made in the body and resides primarily in mitochondria where it plays a key role in transporting electrons so ATP is made. So ingesting CoQ10 has 2 benefits: it is already made so it helps compensate when the aging body makes less of it and it carries electrons towards their final destination – the making of ATP. Combined with Alpha Lipoic Acid, it supports cellular energy levels, stress response and antioxidant defense mechanisms.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid — Alpha lipoic acid, or ALA, is made in the body and helps to turn glucose into energy that the cell can use. ALA is able to neutralize free radicals because of its thiol groups and because it is both fat and water soluble, it can protect all parts of the cell (including the mitochondria) from these free radicals. So ingesting ALA has 2 benefits: it is already made so it helps compensate when the aging body makes less of it and it neutralizes free radicals that escaped the path toward making ATP.

Grape Extract — This extract, made from the whole grape (seeds, pulp and skin), contains powerful natural polyphenols (flavanols) known to have anti-aging capabilities. The bioactives help activate the NRF1 protein and other anti-aging pathways.

Quercetin — Quercetin is a naturally occurring antioxidant, a flavonoid that is abundant in various fruits and vegetables. It is a NRF1 activator that promotes mitochondria biogenesis and helps prevent mitochondrial decay. Quercetin contains polyphenols that help to protect the mitochondria and their function which supports ATP synthesis.


According to Dr. Nathalie Chevreau (Senior VP Research & Development), the directions for use are as follows:

Take NRF1 Synergizer first thing in the morning with water or coffee with creamer/milk.

Take Nrf2 Synergizer at least 30 minutes later with food.

Here is the reasoning behind these recommendations –

The CoQ10 found in Protandim NRF1 Synergizer is best absorbed when in the presence of fat (from the creamer or milk in your coffee). So for best results, take NRF1 with a small amount of fat. But for those of you that are on a calorie-restricted diet and would prefer to take the supplement with water, feel free as you will still absorb some of the CoQ10 without fat present.

Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer contains 3 ingredients that are best absorbed in the presence of fat – turmeric, milk thistle and bacopa. So, to absorb the greatest amount of nutrients from the Nrf2 supplement we recommend taking it with food.

The 30 minutes between intake of Protandim NRF1 and Nfr2 allows for the nutrients in NRF1 to be absorbed into the bloodstream where they can take effect (aka begin their signaling duties) before the nutrients from Nrf2 are introduced into the system. This ensures that each supplement can provide the greatest benefit by minimizing the potential of any interference between nutrients found in each product.

That being said, the results from the observational pilot study showed that those taking Protandim NRF1 and Nrf2 simultaneously (without the 30 minutes in between) still saw significant improvements. Therefore, when it comes to taking the two supplements, find the way that works best for you.

Do your own research and if you want to order pleace contact us or click the links

Just try it! http://ahappybody.uk.lifevantage.com/produc…/protandim/nrf2/