Some Press cuttings and articles written about Derek.
We were featured in Take a Break’s Fate and Fortune June 2023 download full article here
Both Myself and my wife were featured in the Aussie Mag Take 5 in April 2023 you can download the article here. TA2313p004_DPS-Hypnotist-love-McGillivray_v1.0.pdf
We were featured in the Sunday people on New years day 2023 full article here
Latest Article written about Derek May 2018 for full link click here

This is the article from Novembers 2013 Chat its Fate Magazine
You can download full image from here
This Picture won Pick of the Month in December 2013 in Chat its Fate Magazine taken by Nicola Gemmell
People have been asking about the Photo on my Facebook and my web site, from March 30th 2012, of me and a hazy image of a dog, there is also a faint image of head and shoulders on the left of the lady in front of me. I never thought when the photo was taken that I would be so amazed, I uploaded the photo straight from my Iphone, so folk wouldn’t think I had made it up, that week I had been asking for evidence from the spirit world if what I was feeling and seeing in my mind was true, not that I was questioning it, but I had just started doing more live demonstrations and always get nervous before hand, as I still do now because we have no idea what’s going to happen. So this did give me a lot of confidence to carry on doing demonstrations. – Derek McGillivray, A Happy Medium
“The night the photo was taken, was the first time I’d been to one of Dereks’ shows, although I had seen him for a private reading previously. I had been impressed with his reading for me, and had decided to go to the show to see how it all worked with a crowd. As the evening progressed, I felt very emotional, and was feeling slightly nervous. I don’t know why, as I wasn’t involved in any way. Near the end, Derek said he had a message for me, but it didn’t seem relevant at the time. I had been getting “visions”, and “smells” all night, of things I couldn’t make head nor tail of . Then he hit on the dogs theme….German Shepherds, to be precise! I had a lot of involvement with my sisters’ dogs, over the years. She had German Shepherds since her late teens, and I had looked after them a lot when she was away etc. I had also been the person who buried a couple of them when they died. I laughed to myself about it, and thought no more.
At the end, when I was leaving, I watched a couple of people who I didn’t know, take photos of Derek, standing in front of the seating area. I was drawn to the scene…although there was nothing to see. I eventually left, but found myself hanging back for some reason. I think I was one of the last to leave. I felt a bit sad as I went down the stairs…a feeling I quite often get if I am near the scene of a fatal accident, or if I go back to places I once associate with family and friends who are no longer with me. I threw it of, and went home.
The next day, I still had a feeling of “sadness” about me. I just couldn’t seem to throw it off. A few hours later, I came across a photo on Facebook, one of the audience had taken the night before. Derek was standing looking towards the camera, with a hand out stretched by his side. Looking up towards his hand was a hazy image of what looked to me like a LARGE DOG! I couldn’t believe it. Was this the dog who was communicating with me? The possibilities are endless. I haven’t been able to see Derek in person since, but when I do, I hope for a similar experience. I have worked on my own spiritual development since, but have not reached the level I need to act on my “visions” and feelings I get. I would love to work with Derek, for a while, and further develop my capabilities”.
Kenny Gray
“This was my second time going to Derek’s show, Derek and I became friends (now my partner) at his show there was a guy who Derek, had been drawn to and gave him some validations and messages from departed friends, then as he pulled away Derek said he felt two dogs “German Sheppard’s.” And if it meant anything to him, he said it did, after that Derek closed the show but Derek said to me that he did not have a photo for his profile/Facebook etc, so I took his phone and I took a few pictures for Derek. We did not think anything of it, then we went for a few drinks back at the hotel chatting away we both had a look at the photo and couldn’t believe what we were seeing in the photo the picture of the dog. We posted it on Facebook and Kenny commented on it saying it was the dogs. Amazing eh!”
Nicola Gemmell .