18th March 2018

Derek has even worked abroad.
Thank you for giving your time to do the physic presentation show to raise money for the Thomas Cook Children’s Fund everyone here really enjoyed it and many of the guests are still talking about it and some who weren`t here at the time have asked if you are doing another one. We have had fantastic feed-back from guests and Thomas Cook representatives who had individual readings, one phrase keeps cropping up “absolutely amazing”,

You have helped so many people whilst you were here on holiday, thank you once again. Hope you can come and stay at Selen 2 Hotel in Icmeler Turkey again soon so that we can again organise another charity night – great entertainment and something completely different for our guests.
Take care, hope to see you soon.

18th March 2018

Myself, friends and family have all had readings from Derek. Every one of us, even the sceptical one and the one having a reading for the first time, have been really happy with our readings. Even if, at the time, some (myself included!!) have thought “no way could that happen” Well, time after time we have been proven wrong. Apart from his readings being very accurate, Derek really does live up to his name The Happy Medium. He’s friendly, professional and seems to naturally put people at ease. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him

18th March 2018

I’ve had a private reading from Derek and also hired him for a fundraiser and he is excellent and keeps his audiences attention and has a wide skill set.

18th March 2018

We’re most fortunate to have such a talented medium, life coach etc. in Aberdeen. His abilities are awesome and I highly recommend anyone in need of change to make an appointment today.